Exciting news..I received my diploma in the mail and I put it straight into the official GMU diploma frame I got for Christmas from my Dad. At the time I thought he was jumping the gun, I am a big believer in karma. For instance, I did not want to wear anything that said “Alumni” on it until my final grades were in. I didn’t have any bad grades to worry about, but again I didn’t want to wear an Alumni shirt and be like..just kidding something unforeseen happened and I didn’t graduate. But, the point is, that it’s official..when I opened it in the mail..my first thought was..I thought my diploma would be bigger. haha
I feel like all I did last week was drive. I went with my best friend, who is getting married in January, to look at dresses for the bridesmaids. We found the dress I will wear (I’m the maid of honor) so I guess that’s all that matters! lol
Last but not least, my roommate and I made a random trip to Fredericksburg to go to Sonic. Have you ever noticed that we see commercials for Sonic and yet there is not a Sonic in Fairfax?!? On the random trip I was able to get my Route 44 upgrade. The cup was so big I had to use 2 hands to hold it! But it was worth getting a Cherry Limade that big.
![It was worth the drive to Fredericksburg for Sonic.](http://aftermason.onmason.com/files/2009/07/img_38221-300x225.jpg)
It was worth the drive to Fredericksburg for Sonic.
Posted in Uncategorized July 27, 2009
So, I saw the Harry Potter movie again, with my friends who didn’t go to the midnight showing with me. It was still good the second time around!
We finished up the WJMC with me doing some podcasts with the students. I am now an expert in doing podcasts..ok that’s a lie, but I now have somewhat of an idea what’s going on! I can say that I know have a better understanding of multimedia.
Now, on to the exciting news..I have signed an offer letter and will hopefully start working soon. I am not going with the government job I mentioned earlier because it will take months for me to start for them, and with this job, they can start me sooner, and the package they offered me was great!
It looks like I am really on my way to the real world now. I have turned in all my paperwork for my job, so now I’m just waiting for them to tell me when to start.
To end on a slightly humorous note..I slightly overflowed my bathroom. I turned on my shower and then went to go turn off my tv and in those couple of seconds, the water from my shower has poured onto my floor from the tub. The shower head was turned toward the shower curtain, and you all can guess what happened from there. But I took it as a sign that it was time to clean my bathroom. So, now my bathroom is squeaky clean.
Posted in Uncategorized July 19, 2009
I went to the 12:01 showing of the Half Blood Prince last night…or early this morning. My friends and I went to Tyson’s round 7pm to eat dinner at TGI Fridays and then got in line around 8pm. All around us were kids and adults dressed up in costumes and graduation gowns. They let us in around 9:30 to the movie theater. As far as I know they used 2 theaters to show the Half Blood Prince. As we sat in the nice comfy chairs of theater 11, a line formed again to get in, this time it went all the way down the escalators!
There was some concern in our theater because the screen was blue, and we heard sound that went to commercials and behind the scene footage, and yet we couldn’t see anything. In the mean while, some kids were doing shadow puppets on the screen so every one in the theater had something to watch.
Finally they fixed the screen, and the crowd cheered as the movie came onto the screen. I’m not going to ruin the movie for those of you who haven’t read the book, but there was laughing, and crying, and really awkward teen moments throughout the entire movie. I highly recommend seeing it if you haven’t already!
![this is part of the line I had to stand in to get into Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince](http://aftermason.onmason.com/files/2009/07/img_3817-300x225.jpg)
this is part of the line I had to stand in to get into Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
Posted in Uncategorized July 15, 2009
Day 2 of the WJMC went pretty well. I met a bunch of people when I was manning the computer during the small groups we had when we were making videos for their blogs. I’m having a lot of fun meeting a bunch of talented high school students, whether they want to get into print journalism or broadcasting or photography. It’s a lot of fun being involved with Student Media and Admissions again.
In other news..I have to make a decision soon about my job offers..I think by the end of the week, or the beginning of next week I will (hopefully) have a job that I will start soon.
Oh, and a random thing..I was watching The Real World on MTV, and realized that I know one of the girls on the show. I went to summer camp with one of the girls on the show when we were 16. It was a camp in Maine, and it was on Bug Juice on the Disney Channel back in the day. It’s a small world I guess, you never know where you’ll see people you met from way back when.
Posted in Uncategorized July 13, 2009
Today was the start of the Washington Journalism and Media Conference. It was a hectic first day, but I’m sure that everyone will have fun with their jam packed activities and amazing speakers!
I’ll be helping out in Student Media this week with the conference doing some workshops and some games. I’m excited to get this conference started. 🙂
Posted in Uncategorized July 12, 2009
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