Noodles and 4th of July

So, I bet you all are wondering how my free Noodles and Company tasting went. It was amazing! I had: Teddy, Sherell, Aram, and Christian there with me and enjoy all the free food. We literally had everything on the menu! We all left full, and also left liking dishes we had never tried before at Noodles. Over all it was a great experience and it makes me love that restaurant even more.

I met up with one of my good friends, Caitlin, the other day. We only get to see each other about once or twice a year. She went to school out in Minnesota, and now lives out there. So, we don’t get to see each other as often as we like. We met up for lunch at Red Robin, the place with amazing burgers! Our lunch turned into us hanging out for 3 hours, and we had to separate because she had to get home to see her Dad.

In other news, Student Media has cool looking shirts coming soon..

The new Harry Potter movie is coming out next week, and yes I did pre-order my ticket for the 12:01 showing of it at Tysons on July 14th.

I hope everyone had a good 4th of July. The 4th is also my Dad’s birthday, so we always have cake and fireworks. It was good to see my family, because over the next couple of years everyone is moving, so it’s good to spend time together while we are all close enough to just drive over.

I also stopped by my friend’s house on my way back from my Dad’s. I haven’t seen my friend since last summer because he was deployed to Iraq, and he’s been back for a couple months now. But he lives 2 minutes from my Dad’s house, so I stopped by for a bit to catch up before he deploys on Monday to Italy for a couple months. It’s hard having close friends in the military or working for the military who have to deploy often, everyone is either coming or going. So, this week was about catching up with friends and family, and also free noodles!

Add comment Posted in  Uncategorized July 4, 2009

Haven’t Left Yet..but I got free Noodles!

Even though I have graduated from Mason, I am still active on campus. I’ve been attending the Patriot Affair, which is the organization fair during orientation. I am also helping out with an Admissions event later in the month. Not to mention I am in one of the orientation videos ( You can see me at 1:12 ☺ As my friend Ryan put it..Courtney, leave Mason already!

Haha It’s true I haven’t really left yet, but that is mainly due to the fact that I am waiting for my job to start. They don’t know when I’ll start, so again I am just sitting and waiting. :-/

A plus side to me sitting and waiting, I’ve been sitting and waiting at the pool, which means that I’m starting to get a tan.

In other news, I won a free tasting of all the menu items at Noodles and Company for some friends and me. I dropped one of my Student Media business cards in the fish bowl awhile back, and I guess they just pulled it out and I won! I have never won anything before, and to start with winning some free Noodles and Company is amazing!

4 comments Posted in  Uncategorized June 26, 2009

Movie Review and Puppies

I just saw The Hangover with my roommate the other night at Fairfax Corner. I can’t tell you the last time I laughed throughout an entire movie! If you haven’t seen it yet, you need to!! Although, we found out that for the rated R movies you can no longer buy the tickets from the kiosk. I understand why, but the lines can get so long if you go up to the ticket counter to buy them.

I went to the first orientation and worked at the Patriot Affair in SUB 1 at the Mason Ambassador table. It was good to see some familiar faces and see the incoming freshmen. I may go to a couple orientations to help out because I haven’t started my job yet.

My dance studio where I grew up and danced for years at had their dance recital the other night. The only girls left that I know at the studio are the girls that I taught, some of them were 3 or 4 when I taught them, and to see them now 8 or 9 years old, really made me feel old. But, people still remembered me, and it was good to be back where I had spent so many years of my life. I really grew up at the studio, and made some of my best friends there.

Earlier in the week I made the trip to Waldorf, Maryland to visit my brother and his wife. They just got 2 Shiba Inu puppies, Hana and Maeko. They are so adorable! It makes me wish I had a dog, and not just a fish. But, the puppies are a lot of responsibility , so for now I’ll stay with my fish, Ruby.

Add comment Posted in  Uncategorized June 21, 2009

Books and Friends

The life after college isn’t always the glamorous life of laying out by the pool all day (although I have been to the pool quite a bit). I just had a big set back of having to get my car fixed, which set me back almost $1000! So, that really stinks, on a lot of levels.

But on another note. I have been getting a lot of reading done, since I haven’t started working yet..I’m still in the paperwork process :-/ But, you know those books that you always meant to read and never did? Or the books you were supposed to read for class and you never did? It’s ok we’ve all done it, without SparkNotes I don’t think I would have gotten this far in life.

Another good thing about being done is that I have been able to see some of my friends that I haven’t seen in a while. Everyone has been really busy over the last couple of years and with people not always coming back home during breaks it’s easy to lose touch with people sometimes. So, getting in touch with my old friends has been great!

2 comments Posted in  Uncategorized June 17, 2009

It Finally Happened

I got a job offer..well ok I have 2 offers..but I know what I am going to do! It’s a great feeling! All I will say is that I will be working for the government..which is great because one needs a stable job in this economy.

So, now that means I need to have another celebration!

2 comments Posted in  Uncategorized June 10, 2009

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