Hello World
June 2, 2009
Hey Guys!
I am a recent Mason grad, and I will be blogging for my first year after college. I, like many recent graduates do not have a job yet, however I have had interviews and am currently in the waiting process. Pages and pages of paperwork later (that’s what you have to do for the government) I am told to sit and wait. This reminds me a lot of when I was applying to different colleges, fill out everything about your history, write an essay or two and just wait while people in an office make a life changing decision for you.
But, in the mean time, I bet you all are wondering what I am doing while I’m waiting. I refuse to sit and wait by the phone when I can be enjoying myself after 4 years of hard work at Mason. I worked every weekend, late in to the night at Student Media, and had to get up early to give tours for Mason Ambassadors. So, to have some time off is nice, and yet unknown to me.
First and foremost I have been getting my apartment all set up. My roommate and I moved in the week of graduation and our place is just about set up. My roommate, Sarah, and I met at freshmen orientation and wound up living in the same hall freshmen year (Truman 2nd), and have lived together for the last 2. It is exciting having a place of my own, well..a place that I share.
Another thing that was pretty much unknown to me in college was sleep. I only averaged about 5 hours of sleep a night my last year at Mason, so being able to sleep in, is amazing..words can not explain.
That about sums up my life since graduation, besides enjoying The Tonight Show with Conan O’Brien (I pretty much love him) and I am also a big fan of The Hills (don’t judge!) and of course Jon and Kate Plus 8.
So, what’s next in my life in the real world? We’re having our housewarming party this weekend, and I might hit up the pool. But, I will continue to search for jobs and have my phone on me at all times for future employers to call me, with hopefully good news!
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1 Comment Add your own
Nice job. I’m excited to read more.
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